The Tool You Never Knew You Needed

There’s no nicer way to put this. Dirty brushes piss me off. I’m not saying I wash a brush the moment it has been used, but at the veeeery least whatever I have used throughout the week is washed on the weekend. Now, it’s all well and good to go washing every brush, sponge and puff you own on a Sunday night, but what happens come Monday morning when you have no dry powder brush to set your makeup? Crisis is what.

I had persisted for yonks washing brushes laying them down on inclined towels taking over my coffee table and was getting fed up with not only having taking up valuable real estate on the table but also how long they took to dry this way, especially in the colder months.

So last winter whilst perusing through Instagram I came across a picture of the most intriguing piece of makeup madness I had ever seen. A brush tree. At first I was like, seriously? But then it dawned on me what an ingenious idea it was. I set about acquiring one immediately!

Benjabelle Brush Tree

Benjabelle Brush Tree

Enter the Benjabelle Brush Tree. it arrived flat packed in three pieces that just click clack together and the holes on top in the silicone so you can just push the end of the brush through and it holds it in place securely, bristles down for optimum airflow around the brush to dry quicker. I can move it around the house easily near a heat source or hidden away if need be.

Benjabelle Brush Tree

Benjabelle Brush Tree

This little black acrylic tree has become one of my most used items and it forever has two or twenty brushes dangling from it. It’s so handy to wash up a few brushes and rotate them round so I always have clean and dry brushes to grab. I got this last year from Beautylish and picked the original design but they seem to have a few more designs now and some also come in white acrylic.

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