Seriously, somebody stop me from buying ALL the cleansers. Really, it’s just becoming absurd and bordering on comical. Anyhoo, here I am back with another new cleanser review and this time it is the newly launched Kate Sommerville Goat Milk Moisturizing Cleanser.

Kate Sommerville Goat Milk Moisturizing Cleanser
Right off the bat, I was expecting this to be a cream/milk cleanser. I don’t know, probably something about the ‘Goat Milk‘ claim in the name. But alas, I was wrong. The consistency is very gel/balm like, if you’ve tried either the Nude Skincare Perfect Cleanse Omega Cleansing Jelly or even the Oskia Renaissance Gel it’s kind of along those lines, but a little softer, is the best way I can describe it.
If you have used the Kate Somerville Goat Milk Cream, you may understand why I was initially a little hesitant about how the Kate Sommerville Goat Milk Moisturizing Cleanser might smell. The Goat Milk Cream had quite a funky smell, almost like off milk (understandably), which I could get over in the beginning, but now it is just too sickly for me to use. I was very pleasantly surprised that the cleanser smells nothing like its face cream counterpart. The scent is soft and non offensive and if it is important to you, fragrance/parfum is listed on the ingredient list as the third last inclusion.
The Kate Sommerville Goat Milk Moisturizing Cleanser is infused with goat milk (obviously), milk proteins and manuka honey which all aim to cleanse the skin without stripping the skin of moisture. There’s a bunch of oils in there too such as Moringa, Coconut, Avocado, Jojoba and Grape. On application the Goat Milk Moisturizing Cleanser truly does feel nourishing and gentle. Claims it can be used both in the AM or PM sounds about right, this is one of those type of cleansers I’d happily use for either first, second or morning cleanse.
I treat the Kate Sommerville Goat Milk Moisturizing Cleanser like I would any balm and massage into the skin for a few minutes lifting any grime or makeup (if I use as a first cleanse) and remove with a warm wet face cloth. However if you are this way inclined, the directions do claim you can rinse off. I tested this, and yes, it does rinse pretty cleanly. I still prefer removal with the face cloth though. I find it removes facial makeup well but as I don’t typically use cleansers to remove my eye makeup, I prefer to use a proper eye makeup remover so I can’t say whether it will do a good job with your mascara. As a morning or a second cleanse it works equally as nicely.
After removal I find my skin is softened, supple and does feel quite hydrated, which is what I like in a cleanser for my normal/dry skin. I would hazard a guess and say this cleanser would be a good option for all skin types including sensitive.
While I wouldn’t categorise this cleanser as an experience, it is a perfectly good workhorse kind of cleanser. One that will be reached for often, for its functionality and ease of use.
Currently available in the US here and in Australia at Mecca